


Quote Number QUO-260
Quote Date November 15, 2021
Total $784.50
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Free 30 Min Consultation
1 Custom Logo Design

- 2 Revisions are included in this price
- 'Watermark' Logo File
- QR code integration
- Source files are included

1 Business Card Design

- Source files are included

1 2 Printables

- 2 printables of your choice
- Options to choose from: Flyer, Pricelist, Poster, Sticker Design, Brochure, Invoice/Quote Design.
- Source files are included

1 Website Design & Development

- Back end development of the website

1 Website domain and hosting

- Additional $20 for the first year of hosting to be paid directly to Godaddy

Sub Total $1,050.00
Tax $0.00
Discount -$265.50
Total $784.50

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