


Invoice Number INV-01330
Invoice Date May 1, 2024
Total Due $147.00
Shampoo Society Salon & Wellness
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1.2 Creative Tasks

- Designed preview template for "Signature Looks" look book (needs new photos added & new write up)

2.5 Marketing Tasks

- Website updates - Updated and exported all staff QR codes for print (Including NEW staff members: Nina, Alaina and Melissa)
- Website updates - Added NEW staff Nina, Alaina and Melissa to the QR/Dashboard System
- Website updates - Added Jules headshot photo to her dashboard page
- Drafted Melaney's dashboard (removed from website view only - saved backup/draft)
- Removed " Medical Aesthetics" from website services and made adjustments to page layout
- Hair removal services updated to reflect mangomint content

.5 Miscellaneous Tasks

- Ongoing correspondence and support. (reduced due to low correspondence for month of May)

Sub Total $147.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $147.00