


Invoice Number INV-01315
Invoice Date March 1, 2024
Total Due $358.75
Shampoo Society Salon & Wellness
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
5.5 Creative Tasks

- Designed Testimonial Post Template
- Designed email campaign (template 3) Feb 28th
- Designed and Modified Monat Website Dashboards x10
- Created/Generated Team Member QR Code Sheets x10
- Designed Linktree Layout and Connected links to Linktree

3.75 Marketing Tasks

- Website updates - added and reorganized content on website services section (Facials & Peels)
- Website updates - copied over service section descriptions from Mangomint
- Connected SMS system to website for SMS collection through flodesk
- Created mailing list landing page for Linktree
- Email campaign set up and scheduling (template 3) Feb 28th
- Email Content and copywriting for campaign

1 Miscellaneous Tasks

- Upgraded IG Account (@shampoo.society) to creator profile
- Added Linktree to IG Account (@shampoo.society)
- Ongoing correspondence and support

Sub Total $358.75
Tax $0.00
Total Due $358.75