

Invoice Number INV-01323
Invoice Date April 1, 2024
Total Due $698.25
Shampoo Society Salon & Wellness
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
4.2 Creative Tasks

- Designed email for Mother's Day Open House >

- Designed new email for Beauty, Bubbly, and You - Mother's Day event. >

- Designed IG Story post for Mother's Day Open House >

- Designed IG Static Square post for Mother's Day Open House >

8.5 Marketing Tasks

- Website updates - moved careers page under about section.

- Website updates - replaced written copy on home page & redirected button to services.

- Website updates - added 'coming soon' placeholder bridal page.

- Website updates - added extensions & reworked hair removal services.

- Website updates - added blow dry service to scalp spa.

- Website updates - Created Mother's Day Open House Event.

- Website updates - Edited, replaced description for Mother's Day Event to Beauty, Bubbly, and You.

- New marketing strategies and research for events (Word Doc)

- Connected Stripe to the Website for ticket payouts.

- Mother's Day email set up scheduling April 15th/2024.

- Beauty, Bubbly, and You - Mother's Day event email scheduling April 26th/2024.

- Mother's Day email content and copywriting for campaign.

- Beauty, Bubbly, and You - Mother's Day event email content and copywriting for campaign.

- Added Mother's Day event link to SS Linktree.

- Added "PrettyLinks Plugin" to website to mask old/existing links (to avoid loss in sales by having broken links)

1.25 Miscellaneous Tasks

- Designed a slideshow for social media workshop, including presentation and support.

- Ongoing correspondence and support.

4.5 Trifold Service Brochure Design

- Designed salon service trifold brochure >

- Copywriting for brochure

*bridal copy to be replaced*

1.5 Gift Certificate Design

- Designed salon gift certificates >

- Resized salon gift certificates for print on Canva

Sub Total $698.25
Tax $0.00
Total Due $698.25