


Invoice Number INV-00239
Invoice Date January 16, 2022
Total Due $200.00
Jim Nagy

Pure Energy Performance Inc.
209 Limeridge Rd.E.
Hamilton, Ontario L9A 2S6


  • Fix Banner Sizing - Alignments, Font Sizings, Font Styling.
Home Page:
  • Add a button to register under start dancing today.
  • Center aligns benefits of dance.
  • Register Now Button on Footer?
  • 'what's happening' remove from the navigation bar.
  • Move testimonials from the homepage to testimonials dropdown
Schedules Page:
  • Layout?
  • Add dates to remember from the 'whats happening' page
Programs Page:
  • Remove top margins
  • Add call to actions (Register now button for each section)
  • Add referral/competitive programs from 'whats happening' to programs
Register Page:
  • Make banner smaller
Recreational classes:
  • Group Fees/Discounts/Costume Payments together under 1 tab
  • Group Policy's together
  • Group Covid Policy's and Form together on the navigation bar.
Junior Ticats Dance & Cheer:
  • Group Fees/Uniform Payments together under 1 tab
  • Remove the Dance Starz banner and move to the programs page.
  • Make the register button noticeable.
Summer classes:
  • Modify to match above^
What's happening:
  • Move to homepage remove from navigation bar
  • Add 'DANCE STARZ program' 'Junior Ticats Cheer' 'Discounts' to 'programs' dropdown
  • Move dance class attire to Dress code dropdown
  • Schedule no loading???
  • Move showcase copy to showcase page.
  • Dresscode Page layout?
  • Fix Spelling error 'Ready to see your outfit?'
  • Move 'advertising' to about navigation bar
Fix Broken Links:
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery Page


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
8 Pure Energy Website Updates

- Website Changes and Updates

Sub Total $200.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $200.00