


Invoice Number INV-01290
Invoice Date January 24, 2024
Due Date April 5, 2024
Total Due $318.73
Natasha Perrone


Payment Schedule As Follows:
First Instalment: $319.37 due on March 7th (PAID)
Second Instalment: $319.37 due on March 22nd
Third Instalment: $318.73 due on April 5th
494.82 unused credit for future project
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Logo Design & Branding

Project Deliverables
- Primary Logo
- Supporting Logomark
- Typography
- Custom Color Palette
- Moodboard
- Brand Guidelines PDF file
- JPG & PNG 'Watermark' Logo Files
- All source files are included
- 1 revisions are included in this price

1 Social Media Content, Feed Planning & Creation

- Social Media Strategy Guide
Detailed analysis of the client's brand and target audience.
Clear social media objectives and goals.
Recommended posting frequency and strategy.

- Content Calendar:
1 Month calendar outlining planned posts.
Specific dates for each post.
Categories or themes for content variation.

- Feed Planning and Content Creation:
Various high-quality visuals tailored to Instagram's specifications.
Editable branded templates for consistent aesthetics (including infographics, images, or videos that align with the brand's identity.)
Engaging copywriting for each post.
Captivating captions that encourage user interaction.
Hashtags and mentions relevant to the content and industry.
Consistent tone of voice across all posts.
Recommendations for optimization.
Suggestions for improving the overall profile appearance and user experience.

- Canva Brand Kit Set Up.

Sub Total $1,425.50
Tax $0.00
Paid -$1,106.77
Total Due $318.73