


Invoice Number INV-02000
Invoice Date June 10, 2024
Due Date July 1, 2024
Total Due $614.70
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2.55 FOTF Postcard Design

- Designed Postcard to send for print
- Edited/Reformatted
- Exported files

2.15 FOTF Business Card Reformatting

- Worked with Graeme to reformat for print
- Resized design for print
- Exported files

5.54 NCOA - Website Design/Updates/Admin

- Client Correspondence
- Created 2 new pages and organized them according to the sitemap.
- Updated the navigation and footer menus according the the site map
- Added new content and descriptions to the 2 new pages, created a new page called 'winter fishing'.
- Upscaled/replaced images with free licensed stock images for those that did not take to upscaling.
- Replaced pop up overlay background images with new ones.
- Updated the booking form to reflect new page options.
- Fixed Menu Bar
- Added new activities and fishing to homepage carousel
- Made requested changes to copy from "Your choice for ice fishing in the Yukon" to "Your choice for fishing in the Yukon" on the summer fishing page, as requested.

2 River West Rugby - Tshirts

- Edited Logo Design
- Prepared Design Mockup
- Designed T-Shirt Front & Back

2 Minco Gas - Admin

- Prepared and Edited Client Contract
- Client Onboarding
- Client Correspondence/Calls

6.25 Minco Gas - Design

- Set Up Site Environment
- Began Designing Site Pages (Home Page Etc.)
- Media Backup/Transfer

Sub Total $614.70
Tax $0.00
Total Due $614.70