This Quote has expired.



Quote Number QUO-3508
Quote Date May 16, 2024
Valid Until June 1, 2024
Total $785.00
Jordan Quinn
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 WordPress Landing Page Design & Development

Project Scope:
- Theme sourcing/installation/configuration
- Back End Development/Front End Design
- SSL certificate

- Favicon
- Copy Editing Only
- Contact Form
- Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly
- Social Media Integration
- Podcast Embedding

Timeline: Approx: 1-2 weeks from date of deposit

Project Objectives:
- Develop a user-friendly landing page website
*one email round of revisions*

Client Input:
- Client to provide website written copy and brand imagery

Website Domain & Hosting Details:
- Domain/hosting setup
- Choose an available domain
- Provide me with domain log in access once purchased (GoDaddy or otherwise)

Sub Total $785.00
Tax $0.00
Total $785.00